You can create a WordPress page and use the following shortcode on it. This shortcode will display all the membership levels (both primary any secondary levels) that a member has in his/her profile.
Here is an example of what it will show:
You can also show the welcome page of each membership level using this shortcode (if you have one for your membership levels). Use the following shortcode to list the membership levels a user purchased with a link to the respecting welcome page of that level:
[wp_eMember_my_membership_levels show_welcome_page="1"]
The above shortcode will produce an output like the following example:
Using a Purchase History for WP eStore Products
When a member makes a purchase through eStore while logged in, it will be recorded. The member can then view his/her purchase history.
You can use the following shortcode on a post or page to display a member’s purchase history:
It will display the purchase history of the member who is logged in and viewing that post or page. Please note that the purchase history only works for purchases done via the eStore plugin so you will need to have both eMember and eStore installed on your server (the above shortocode is actually an eStore shortcode).
The purchase history looks similar to the following screenshot:
Screenshot of a Member’s Purchase History
So, ideally you will create a page called “Purchase History” and place the above shortcode on the page then protect the page from the “General Protection”. Now, give the other membership levels access to this page which will allow the logged in members to view their purchase history.
Display Member’s Purchase History With an Option to Download
You can use the following shortcode on a post or page to display a member’s purchase history with an option to download the purchased files
This will let your members see their purchase history and download any item they previously purchased.
Hi Maggie, Only the first payment of the recurring payment will be recorded in the purchase history.
Will recurring payments that have automatically been charged via PayPal also show up in the purchase history (this would be a monthly membership fee)?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hi, There is an option in the eStore that allows you to do this now. This option can be found under the “Addon Tab” at the top of the settings menu in the eStore.
“Only Logged In Members Can Checkout” – When checked the plugin will not allow an anonymous user to continue checkout unless the user logs in or registers for an account in eMember.
If you do not have this feature I believe you just need an update. You can find out more about how updates work here:
Hi admin,
this would be really helpful, if you can guide me on how to let the visitor add products to the cart but not let them checkout unless they are logged in. I am okay with php coding.
Adding an option so only members can checkout is not hard. If you are interested and okay with PHP coding then I can tell you what to do.
I would love to see it as anyone can add to the cart, but only members (including free if applicable) can place an order.
With all three of your plugins installed at, this would mean that our client membership base goes up, all become affiliates, and therefore sales increase and are all wrapped up in one neat little process.
I think its the only thing I would say is lacking so far.
Well done the t&t-hq crew.
Usually you place your “Buy” buttons in a protected section of the post or page which makes it so only members can make a purchase.
If you want to make it so anyone can view the “Buy” button but won’t be able to complete the purchase if they are not a member then that can be achieved too with a bit of tweak.
Do you want to let the visitor add products to the cart but not let them checkout unless they are logged in or do you want to make it so visitors won’t even be able to add to the cart if they are not logged in?
Is there a way that you can “make” customers (aka clients) must sign in to be able to purchase anything? For example, anyone can “view” the product but unable to make a purchase unless they sign in. Is there a link that explains how to set this up? Thanks~
I think you will need version v3.4 or above.. I have sent you an update.
To have this function (purchse history), we need wich version of the estore plugin ?
I’ve got the V2.8.7. Is it enough or I need an update ?
You don’t need to use the purchase history for admin. Please check the “Manage Customers” menu of eStore and you can see every sale history there (you can search for customers using email or name there too).
Purchase history short code – as the administrator of a site with 1000s of members, could I use this function to determine who had bought which product (without logging in as each of them one by one of course) ?