The first thing you need to do after you activate the WP eMember plugin is head over to the settings menu page to configure some settings. Most of the settings fields are self explanatory and have help text next to it.
It is a good idea to read the Typical Membership Registration process documentation before you start setting up WP eMember plugin.
The settings/options menu for the WordPress eMember Plugin can be found on the left hand side of your wordpress dashboard similar to the following screenshot (on WordPress version 4.0 or above)

WP eMember General Settings
Click on the “Settings” tab and configure the “General Settings” first. The settings menu looks similar to the following screenshot (it may look slightly different based on the version you are using).
You just need to read through the options and the help text to see which options you want to use.

Other General Settings

WP eMember Pages Settings
This is the most important settings tab and needs to be filled in carefully. Basically, you need to create a Page for each option(s) where necessary and put the appropriate tag (shortcode) on that page then use the URL of the page in the appropriate field (The help text on each field should guide you).

You can also customize which fields appear on the “Registration” and “Edit Profile” forms from the “Pages Settings” menu. This is explained in the How to Customize Which Fields Appear on the Registration and Edit Profile Page documentation.
WP eMember Email Settings
Click on the “Email Settings” tab in the menu bar at the top when you are finished with the “Pages Settings” page. The “Email Settings” page lets you customize the email that is sent to the members when they pay for a membership on your site.

WP eMember reCaptcha Settings
The reCAPCHA settings tab is useful if you want to add reCAPCHA to the member registration form.

@Tracey, Yes you can use the {email} tag to add the member’s email address in there. The following post has more details:
Hi there – is there a way to add an email address WITHIN the confirmation email sent out to new members? (this is under “WP eMember Email Settings”)
I would like to include the registered email address below the username and password, but cannot find any documentation to indicate what “short code” I could use…
@Gabe, you can simply use your “Join Us” page (a lot of poeple like this option). When your existing members pay for membership their account automatically get renewed/upgraded:
You also have the option of creating a separate page and placing the payment buttons there for membership renewal.
For Emember email settings what is the best page to direct customers to for renewing their memberships?
Thanks in advance for not only a great product but also for the great customer support i’m about to receive.
Hi Joseph, Did you make sure to set the URL for the registration in the “eMember Settings Menu” under the “Page Setting Menu”?
Hi, I am having trouble with the “Join Us” button within the login screens. This button I presum should link to the regsitration page, however it links to whichever page the login form is on at the time. Could anyone help with this issue.
Thanks in advance.
This is used for pagination. For example, in the manage content protection menu (where it lists all the posts, pages etc). You can tweak this number to display more or less entries per page when the list is displayed across multiple pages.
What does it mean by “entries per page” in the setting?
Oops – user (read that – my error) error… I went back and re-read the instructions…I failed to set the General Protection settings to also include the membership categories. Good stuff!
OK – this is not working for me…
I’ve added multiple member levels (ie: Silver, Gold, etc). I added the “Silver” category as my Free category (with silver as an actual category and membership level). I added a post to the Silver category – and protected the Silver category under protection for only Silver members.
I had another computer in the house (and another person without a registration) try to see the post and it came up… it’s not supposed to!
Any help/suggestions?
Thank you! Rob
@RJD, I have posted an example on the forum for this:
Thanks. That makes sense now.
I have another question. I would like to have an area on a nav bar that indicates that the user is “Logged In” or “Logged Out”. If they are logged out I would like to have something shown like “Login | Register” and have it redirect them to the “registration” page if they need a new account. If they already have an account I would like it to show “User Logged In” in the same area on the nav bar.
How would I do something like this?
@RJD, The “register” link takes the visitor to the URL that you have specified in the “Membership Payment/Join Page” field of the settings menu. Even though it says “Register” it’s really a “Join US” link (maybe I should change the text). Let me know if this helps.
I am having an issue with the widget.
Overall the WP eMember plugin is working except for when I have the widget in the side bar, the “Register” link doesn’t point to my desired page “”. It points instead to “”. I noticed someone else had a similar problem previously, but that solustion doesn’t seem to help me.
Is this an issue with the plugin widget or am I configuring something wrong?
Great, I didn’t know if it would mess anything up to just put the form somewhere without javascript or something. best!
Hi Steve, yes you should be able to put the registration form anywhere you like. Try the following PHP function call from the template file:
<?php echo print_eMember_registration_form(); ?>
Hi, I just purchased the emember, estore, and affiliate, and I like it so far, but I have one issue. I would like to put the emember registration form somewhere other than a post or page (aka, not use the shortcode). Is there a way to do this? thanks!
Hi Bryan, let me know if this forum post helps:
Is there a way to edit the registration form so I can add or rename fields?
You can also use the “Change WP eMail From Details” plugin
“Alex said:
Admin, it is I, once again. Is there a way to get a customized email sent to both the new member and the admin; specifically to avoid the email saying it is coming from WordPress. ”
I found a plugin for this
Set Email “From” Address 1.0
search for it from Plugins control panel
Awesome mate. Thanx a lot for that again.
Sent you the unencrypted files Michael.
BTW I´d be more than happy to translate a language file into German for you as soon as one is available. It´s a good solution how you do it in eStore.
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly 😉
But the “view” files contain only a check for ioncube loader (if(!extension_loaded(‘ionCube Loader’)…) and lots of cryptic letters and numbers such as 4+oV5FE8LtIfMAnxe4R2LzjiOt0c…
Can´t see where to change texts there.
Hi Michael, I will email you to talk deals 🙂
Eventually all the text outputs are going to come from a language file so you should just be able to update the language file and keep a backup copy of that when upgrading. For the time being you can modify it in the “view” files (the ending of the file name) and preserve them during updates.
Thanx for the reply. I think it would make sense for me to purchase the WP eStore Plugin as well. I saw there is a discount when buying both eMember and eStore. I already have eMember. How can I get the discounted Version of eStore?
Another Question: Ist there an easy way to change textoutputs? Of course I could go into the code and change it but this would be lost if there is any update for the plugin. Any other way to do that?
hi Michael, the registration for paid membership is completed through an encrypted link. This link is generated after payment via the IPN handling script. Why? cause the customer can close the browser after payment and not return to your site. When PayPal’s IPN feature is used the payment data is passed to your IPN handling script as soon as the customer hit’s the “Pay Now” button (this method is much more reliable).
If you are using the membership plugin with the WP eStore plugin then the eStore plugin will handle this for you. All you need to do is follow this instruction:
If you are using the membership plugin with a plain PayPal button then you need to tell me what sort of IPN handling script you have in place and I will give you a bit of code that you can put in your script to handle this member account creation.
I set up everything but have issues with the registration after payment. I don´t accept free membership. I have three levels of membership – 1 week, 1 month and 6 month. I setup a PayPal button for each level and integrated it to the payment page. So when a user enters the protected content he gets prompt to login or to join. If he wants to join he moves to the payment page selects a PayPal button and moves over to PayPal and pays. But after that, how does he get to the registration page?
I already have set the registration page as the redirect for the Paypal buttons but after redirecting (after payment) the user gets to the registration-page which says “Free membership is disabled on this site!
Please visit the Payment Page to pay for a membership”
What am I doing wrong?
oh Sorry, forgot to answer that bit of the question… you can customize this (the from name that appears on mails sent from wordpress) from the wordpress settings (I can’t remember which one from the top of my head but a little bit of googling will answer this). Let me know once you find out 🙂
Thanks, yes, I am aware of the email settings but I don’t know how to, or its not possible to have the email come from just my company name, then the website name. Currently, it says this “WordPress (”. If possible, I would like to take the wordpress out.
@Alex, you can customize the email that is sent to the member from the “Email Settings” menu (this is a sub-tab under the main eMember settings menu).
You can all the new members in your eMember dashboard which is why I didn’t add the admin notification option but I will add this feature.
Admin, it is I, once again. Is there a way to get a customized email sent to both the new member and the admin; specifically to avoid the email saying it is coming from WordPress. Also, currently, we are not being notified in any way that someone has joined. thanks again!
Thanks a lot. I was working for one client and unfortunately I gave the same name for log in page where another Worpress was installed. Now I am able to set up the page.
Again Thanks a lot for your help.
@Chandan, You seem to have another wordpress installed on your domain under the “test” directory so it was going to that one when you accessed the test page URL(
Thank you for your quick response. But still I am getting problem. I have created a page and the URL look like I also set the [wp_eMember_login_form:end] in that page. I set this URL for Registration Page. Still I am not getting the Registration Page. When I click on that URL, I am getting WordPress Default theme. Could you please tell me where I am doing wrong? It will be a great help for me.
Thanks a lot
@Chandan, You simply create a WordPress post or page and put that special bit of text (shortcode/trigger text) and the registration form will appear there.
Could you please explain how to add the Registration Page and how to trigger the text? Can I do this just creating a normal page in WordPress?