If you’re a merchant and you’re using PayPal to accept payments for goods or services that you sell from your website, at one point or another you are bound to run into an error message. While some of the errors produced by PayPal are straight forward, others such as ‘Things Don’t Appear to be Working at the Moment. Please Try Again Later‘ are vague and have baffled some merchants leaving them hitting a dead end. In this article we will look at what causes that specific PayPal error and how you can prevent it from recurring.
Video Tutorial: PayPal Error
1) The Error is Caused by Your PayPal Settings
For some merchants, this error can be solved by tweaking some of their PayPal settings. This is quite an easy fix that even those without developer knowledge will be able to troubleshoot.

- Log into your PayPal account and click the ‘Cog‘ icon.
- From the cog icon, click on ‘Selling Tools‘.
- Click the ‘Update‘ button next to ‘Website Preferences‘.
- Scroll down to the section titled ‘Encrypted Website Payments‘.
- Ensure the ‘Off‘ option has been checked.
- Return ‘Back to Profile‘.
- Re-attempt to click a ‘Buy Now‘ button on your website. Observe if you still receive the error message. More times than not, this step will fix the error.

2) You Have Entered Your PayPal Details Incorrectly into the Settings Menu of a Plugin
If you are using a PayPal plugin on your website, in particular a WordPress website, sometimes this error can be the result of incorrect information in the settings menu of the plugin. PayPal Identity Tokens and PayPal Email Addresses must be entered correctly. For instance, if you have entered your PayPal email address incorrectly into the PayPal email address field of a plugin such as WooCommerce, the following error message may be the result of clicking a ‘Buy Now’ button:
“We’re sorry things don’t appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later.”
Always double check your payment information. If the error still persists, see steps 1), 3) and 4).
3) Conflicting Plugins
While many of the WordPress integration plugins work seamlessly with PayPal, those that are not supported may not work with the current PayPal. The message that you are receiving is often a failed verification check caused by a plugin that is installed. If the plugin installed to accept PayPal customer payments, appears to allow for any of the following, the same error message may appear:
- Within the amount field, only numerals and decimals can be accepted. This is primarily important to verify if you are allowing the customer to specify the amount for example a donation style button. Never should a symbol be allowed in the amount field.
- The country code must only be ‘2’ letters. The developer should have coded the plugin in this way to adhere with PayPal standards.
If you are seeing the following error:
“We’re sorry things don’t appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later.”
and you have completed 1) and 2) contact the developer of the payment plugin you are using. If there is a glitch in the code, the developer should be able to fix it to solve the error message. Always ensure you have the latest version of the plugin activated prior to contacting the plugin support team.
4) Your PayPal Account Has Not Been Set Up Correctly
Finally this error can occur if your PayPal account has not been set up correctly. Alternatively your PayPal may be in lock-down if your customers are seeing this error message. Ensure you have no notifications in your PayPal account if you are seeing the following error message:
“We’re sorry things don’t appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later.”
If you have pending notifications, follow the steps to complete or verify your account.
5) You Do Not Have a PayPal Business Account
Sometimes this error message is displayed if a merchant is attempting to use a personal PayPal account rather than a business PayPal account. If you are using a personal account, you can upgrade to a business account for free.
If you cannot diagnose the reason why you are seeing the PayPal error message on your website, read more on PayPal’s website or contact them directly.
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