This list of useful and frequently used UNIX commands is a good reference for someone who is new to UNIX/LINUX Operating System. The most commonly used and basic Unix commands and what they do are listed below. Use the “man†command to find the usage and details of any particular command e.g. … [Read more...] about Basic UNIX Commands List
Essential tips to start living Green today
In this article I have put together a list of things that I am going to attempt to do from today to start living a greener life, which virtually cost me very little to nothing but the rewards are great. I have decided to try these things out in an attempt to living a greener life not only because it … [Read more...] about Essential tips to start living Green today
WordPress Plugin for Category Specific RSS feed subscription menu
The Category Specific RSS feed subscription WordPress Plugin allows you to add a menu with multiple RSS feed subscription option to your site in addition to the normal RSS subscription option. The category specific RSS feed menu can be added to a post, page or sidebar. Through this menu your … [Read more...] about WordPress Plugin for Category Specific RSS feed subscription menu
List of useful and frequently used DOS Commands
This list of DOS commands is very useful when repairing Windows after a system crash when Windows doesn't load and the only option you have is a Dos command prompt. Use the "help" command to find the usage and details of any particular command e.g. C:\>help copy … [Read more...] about List of useful and frequently used DOS Commands
Cut Onions without tears
If you use onions to cook from time to time and is annoyed with the whole onions making you cry then here are a few cool tricks that you can do to stop your eyes from crying when you cut onions. … [Read more...] about Cut Onions without tears
Email management tips – How to Setup email filters
Previously in the post Use email filters to manage emails efficiently, I have talked about how email filters is a good way to manage unwanted group emails. In this post, After receiving requests from some of my readers, I have given some instructions on how to setup email filters in Yahoo, Gmail and … [Read more...] about Email management tips – How to Setup email filters
Email management tip – Use email filters to manage emails efficiently
It has always been an issue in a big mailing group as to what the topic of the email/discussion should be. This is partly because different people have different perspectives and different tolerance level to various things. Some people don't like to be annoyed with some computer sales or job … [Read more...] about Email management tip – Use email filters to manage emails efficiently
What Image Compression Settings to Use When Converting an Image to JPG/JPEG
I have been trying to find the perfect compression settings to use when converting my digital images to 'jpg' or 'jpeg' format that yields the best result in terms of the image quality and the image size. There are various softwares out there that can convert images e.g. Photoshop, ACDsee, … [Read more...] about What Image Compression Settings to Use When Converting an Image to JPG/JPEG
How to fix Stats plugin showing zero (0) visitors!
This article explains how to fix Stats plugin when it doesn't show any statistics for your site or shows 0 visitors. … [Read more...] about How to fix Stats plugin showing zero (0) visitors!
Apache Mod Security update, How to Fix ‘Error 406’ or ‘Not Acceptable’ issue
Few weeks ago I started having "Not Acceptable! Error 406" on one of my WordPress sites when trying to save a post or a page. I kept getting the following message when trying to save a post. … [Read more...] about Apache Mod Security update, How to Fix ‘Error 406’ or ‘Not Acceptable’ issue